Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Unpublished Magazine Responses

Somehow these ended up being left out of the magazine, not for any reason other then that we somehow missed them and realized the day before printing. (sorry!)

"Priveledged white people with power." (anonymous)

"Political Transparency and integrity in office. Development issues in the developing world, because change necessitiates money, which is difficutl to obtain." (Norman M. Kearney)

"Money - so hard to get a high paying job; must stick with what I get (min wage). So hard to save; how can I pay for tuition, books and other school related matters." (anonymous)

"I feel powerless about the government. I am still a landed immiggrant and do not have citizenship status. Thus, I can't vote or anything! I wish they changed something about that policy... " (anonymous)

"I feel powerless that in North America people are so adement about suing everyone for everythign. ie. If someone slips on the ice and hurts themsef, don't sue the city because its not sanded yet, it's your responsibility to go out and watch where you walk and what level of carefulness you take." (anonymous)

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